CMRU Faculty : คณะวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี | Date and Time : 9/11/2564
Project of Improving the Quality of Local Life with the Community Water Management and the New Theory Agriculture at Mae Long Tai Community
On 13th – 15th November 2020, Biodiversity Research and Implementation for Community, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University: BRIC CMRU, led by Dr. Tatporn Kunpradid, Director of BRIC CMRU, together with faculty members, researchers, staff, and 20 students from 3rd year and 4th year of Biology program surveyed and implemented the project improving the quality of local life by using community water resource management and new-theory agriculture, supported by the strategic project for community development, CMRU at Mae Long Tai Community and Bangkok Chefs Charity Border Patrol Police School, Sop Kong Sub-District, Omkoi District, Chiang Mai. This project was designed and installed the solar pump system (solar cell), and calculated water balance in order to build clean water sources for schools and communities to consume for the whole year. Moreover, the community can use the knowledge of water resource management to improve their quality of life, and it can be the natural classroom-style learning resource for students of Bangkok Chef Charity Border Patrol Police School, which included the model and sample learning practice plot for students and Mae Long Tai Community.
Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs :
CMRU Strategic Plan :
Building and Transferring the Knowledge for Local Development
CMRU Service Plan :